Maghaberry Prison 2023

Each Christmas since 2015 we have been blessed to have been able to give selection boxes to all of the men in Maghaberry Prison. We had the opportunity once again to work with Prison Chaplaincy to distribute over 1,200 gifts throughout the Prison. Our prayer continues to be that each man would personally know the true love and hope of Christ.

In addition earlier in December the Maghaberry choir took part in the annual Prison Carol Service. Choir continues to be an opportunity for men to gather and worship together twice a month on a Friday morning. This is also a place of encouragement, support and prayer.

Please continue to remember this outreach in prayer.

Selection boxes for Maghaberry Prison

We delivered just over 1,200 selection boxes this morning to Maghaberry Prison. Will you join with us in praying for all who will receive them over the next couple of weeks that they would know lasting peace and hope in Jesus.